7.1 It is the prime responsibility of the production supervisory personnel to coordinate
all efforts in manufacturing a part or product to all applicable standards, codes and
customer requirements.

7.2 Strict adherence to applicable and engineering specifications is mandatory in all
manufacturing operations.

7.3 All work orders must be accompanied by Quality Control approved blueprints and
paperwork necessary to assure a part or product is manufactured to a customers
requirements, appropriate standards, and guidelines.

7.4 All written information is to be clearly legible and understandable, as well as signed
and dated by an authorized person.

7.5 No one is allowed to use a drawing not clearly legible or with handwritten changes or
notes not authorized by Quality Control, Production Planning and in concurrence with our

7.6 All materials and parts in process must be clearly identified at all times.

7.7 No production worker is to undertake any job operation without a clear understanding
of the work to be performed.

7.8 It is the department supervisors responsibility to reassure themselves that
every production worker understands what is expected.

7.9 The production supervisor shall take all necessary steps to meet the scheduled
production dates.

7.10 It is the department supervisors responsibility to enforce all safety rules and

7.11 When a specific manufacturing process requires an inspection, the Quality Control
Department is to be notified.

7.12 If any person notices any discrepancy on a work order, blueprint, or contract, the
Quality Control Department is to be notified.

7.13 A schedule of periodic machine maintenance shall be implemented by the production
manager or appointee, who will initiate machine or tool replacement.

7.14 It is the production supervisors responsibility to insure that all new
employees commence their employment with the required types and amount of tools necessary
to perform their duties. A minimum tool requirement list shall be available from the Plant
Managers Office.

7.15 All production personnel will give their full cooperation to the quality control
department and its designated personnel. |