12.1 The purpose of the material review is to determine the future use of any
nonconforming raw materials or parts.

12.2 The Material Review Board shall consist of the Quality Control Supervisor, Production
Manager, or appointee, and if necessary a third member may be consulted (usually the
customer representative), or an appointee either from the Engineering Department or the
Purchasing Department.

12.3 The basis for a material review shall be a "Reject Notice" or Form QC 011
which will be prepared by an inspector, based on the discrepancy in question.

12.4 A corrective action may be suggested by the originator of the "Reject

12.5 In normal cases, the decision would be; use as is, rework, return to vendor or scrap.

12.6 If the discrepancy in question is in violation of a customer requirement, the
decision of the review board must be approved by the customer.

12.7 Until any such decision is made, the parts or material will be on "hold" in
a predesignated area.

12.8 Material review personnel shall have the authority and responsibility to stop
production when unsatisfactory corrective action measures are present.

12.9 TOOL SPECIALTY COMPANY shall not delegate M.R.B. authority to sub-tier suppliers
without prior customer approval.

12.10 Disposition of customer owned parts must be approved by the customer. |